Workbook Collaboration

Completed: Jul, 2021

As part of an ongoing effort to assist pastors in Peru’s jungles with theological training, HeartCry has distributed a total of 505 workbooks from January to June of 2021.

More Projects in Peru
Bible Distribution In Rio Santiago
Wilmer With Three Wheeler
Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz
Project Literature Distribution

Peru Workbook Distribution

Completed: Jul, 2021

As part of an ongoing effort to assist pastors in Peru’s jungles with theological training, HeartCry has distributed a total of 505 workbooks from January to June of 2021.

Workbook Collaboration

Completed: Jul, 2021

As part of an ongoing effort to assist pastors in Peru’s jungles with theological training, HeartCry has distributed a total of 505 workbooks from January to June of 2021.

More Projects in Peru
Bible Distribution In Rio Santiago
Wilmer With Three Wheeler
Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz

As part of an ongoing effort to assist pastors in Peru’s jungles with theological training, HeartCry has distributed a total of 505 workbooks from January to June of 2021. The workbooks are the Spanish versions of Paul Washer’s series called, “Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith.” So far, the books that have been passed out have to do with the doctrine of God and the doctrine of the gospel. 

Each pastor who receives this workbook is also encouraged to work through it in collaboration with other pastors in his area. Many of the men meet regularly to go through each section of the books and study the relevant Scripture passages together. In order to receive the next workbook in the series, the pastors must first show that they have thoroughly completed the previous one. In most locations, the pastors also receive teaching from a HeartCry-supported pastor in module format on the workbook material. 

Please pray that as pastors work through this biblical material, their hearts would be stirred to worship God and that they would be increasingly rooted and grounded in the faith.