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Completed: Dek, 2021

More Projects in India
Img 20221026 121451
India 2018 – By God’s Grace Alone – Tamil
Project Ministry Tools

Media Tool

Completed: Dek, 2021

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Completed: Dek, 2021

More Projects in India
Img 20221026 121451
India 2018 – By God’s Grace Alone – Tamil

Through the generous donations of HeartCry supporters, we were able to provide Bob N.’s church with a media computer. He writes in response:

“Thank you so much for your labor of love. We are thankful to God and you all for providing us with a new media system that we can use to produce biblical online resources. Our laptops were not able to handle the files while editing the sermons and used to crash often. As a result, we were not able to upload our resources regularly. But with the new system, our resources will be of blessing to believers and churches around us. Moreover, we can now focus on producing more biblical content that will edify and equip believers in this part of the world. This gift of yours is also an answer to our prayer. This has strengthened our faith in our heavenly Father who is faithful. Please continue to pray for us so that we be useful vessels in His kingdom for His glory.”