Img 20220214 Wa0011

Completed: feb., 2022

The Kazakh translation of Paul Washer's workbook, "Discerning the Plight of Man."

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For Hunter2021.05.14

Kazakh Discerning the Plight of Man

Completed: feb., 2022

The Kazakh translation of Paul Washer's workbook, "Discerning the Plight of Man."

Img 20220214 Wa0011

Completed: feb., 2022

The Kazakh translation of Paul Washer's workbook, "Discerning the Plight of Man."

Pastor Bagid has been working diligently with a team of translators and editors to produce the Kazakh translation of “Discerning the Plight of Man”. This project was made possible by the fervent prayers and generous donations from the many individuals and churches who support HeartCry. Please pray for this resource to be used by God to convict many of sin, and convince many of their need for repentance and a Savior.

Please also pray for Bagid and his team as they begin work on “Discovering the Glorious Gospel”. Many of the theological terms and concepts readily available in English are unfamiliar and foreign to languages like Kazakh. Pray for wisdom and diligence for the translators who will be laboring to produce this next volume.

Information about obtaining this book in English can be found by clicking here.