After over one year of hard work, Paul Washer’s latest workbook on the doctrine of the Church is now available in the Russian language. This is the result of nearly 18 months of hard work by a team of translators and editors to make this possible. Such a large project is only possible with the help of the generosity of the many donors who choose to give the HeartCry, as well as those who pray regularly for good resources to reach other languages.
(Please note, we hope to make this volume available in English this year. Watch our website for an announcement about this project in the coming weeks.)
If you would like to order a copy of this book (not available in the US) see the following instructions from our publisher Slava:
Вы можете купить новую книгу Пола Вошера “Церковь Христа по замыслу Христа” на сайте издательства “Евангелие и Реформация”: