HeartCry missionary Kennedy Kawambale has been sent by Kabwata Baptist Church to start a church in Chamba Valley, one of the new and affluent areas of Lusaka, Zambia. Pastor Kennedy has made encouraging progress, and within a couple of years the church started construction of their own building. The building in now nearing completion and HeartCry was able to help them purchase 100 chairs for seating.
Completed: Apr, 2020
HeartCry helped purchase 100 chairs for Chamba Valley Reformed Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia
More Projects in Zambia
Ministry Tools
Chairs for Chamba Valley Church
Completed: Apr, 2020
HeartCry helped purchase 100 chairs for Chamba Valley Reformed Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia
Completed: Apr, 2020
HeartCry helped purchase 100 chairs for Chamba Valley Reformed Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia
More Projects in Zambia