Arabic Books

Completed: Dek, 2018

Biblical resources in Arabic translated and printed by TSF Publishing in Egypt.

Project Finished translations

2018 Arabic Translations

Completed: Dek, 2018

Biblical resources in Arabic translated and printed by TSF Publishing in Egypt.

Arabic Books

Completed: Dek, 2018

Biblical resources in Arabic translated and printed by TSF Publishing in Egypt.

Through HeartCry funding, TSF Publishing in Egypt is continually translating and printing good, biblical books in the Arabic language.  Their focus has primarily been books by Paul Washer and 9 Marks.  Completed titles include:

  • ‘The Gospel’s Power and Message’ – Paul Washer‘
  • Knowing the Living God’ – Paul Washer
  • ‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ’ – Paul Washer
  • ‘Justification and Regeneration’ – Charles Leiter
  • ‘Nine Marks of a Healthy Church’ – Mark Dever
  • ‘Church Elders’ – 9Marks
  • ‘Expositional Preaching’ – 9Marks
  • ‘Church Discipline’ – 9Marks