This month was filled with trials and tribulations but also blessings. God is gracious and merciful, and He helps us to pass through everything. He knows what we need, and we practice learning to trust Him in all things.

Earlier this month I went to the hospital with my son, Pavlik. He overcame more than one illness. First, he had symptoms of a cold, and then a strong allergic rash. It manifested in hives – spots first covered his feet, then hands and then his face. After trying certain medication through injections for two nights in row, we then took him to the hospital as his face got very red. We were there for a few days with him. During this time, the Lord prompted me to read the book Humility by Andrew Murray. It was a good lesson and helpful for me in the midst of a really humble circumstance. The Lord taught me to be glad and thankful always, as it will promote growth in humility.

While I was ministering in Tulun, I became ill after one of our services. I felt sick and my blood pressure began to fluctuate. This has happened to me before because of the critical pressure drop. The previous times, I was vomiting and I was taken to the hospital and put on an IV. Typically, this happens once a year, but the cause of this cannot be ascertained. This time however, as the symptoms started to happen, my mother and grandmother (who were present) prayed for me and shared the prayer need with others. The Lord gave mercy on me this time and everything proceeded much easier. I went to sleep and then was able to have a meal and to hear a sermon in the late evening. The next day I was able to go back to Irkutsk, but it remains unclear why this happens.

As for ministry among the churches:


I visited Cheremkhovo twice this month. Praise the Lord that the number of people attending the meetings is growing significantly, and soon there will not be enough room in the house where we gather. Three new people who are now attending the meetings are: Sister Marina’s husband Kostya, Sasha (the man who stopped communicating with me some time ago), and Tolya. Please pray for each of these men as they are openly unbelievers. We are excited that they are drawn to the meetings, but we ask that the Lord would do a work within them. As for these new people, we are striving to get to know them. We need time to see their lives.

Another time, Sergei from the church in Angarsk went with me to Cheremkhovo. He preached to the congregation. At the meeting there were 15 people including a woman who came for the first time (see the picture attached).


At the end of the month I went to Tulun. Here I had the opportunity to serve some orphans and witness to them of the goodness of God in Christ. I gave each of them a New Testament to read, and we will now pray that the Word of God would take root in their hearts.

As for the church in Tulun, our meetings were blessed of the Lord. We met together in Sister Ghalya’s house. There was a group of teenagers present for the meetings in which they heard the gospel. We praise God for bringing them as it is quite uncommon for the young people to be curious or interested in eternal things. 

That was our way this month. Ministry and life continues by the grace of the Lord, and we thank you for your participation in our lives. Bless you! Grace to you!