Brother Nathanael Armisen, one of HeartCry’s missionaries in Germany, was married a few months ago. In his transition from being single he relates in his August report how much more responsibility accompanies married life. While joyfully caring for his wife, he faces many demands and trials in ministry and life in general. Nathanael shares on the importance of prayer in safeguarding himself against the relentless cares that he faces daily. He writes,

“The brief command in Philippians 4:6 to not be anxious is quite bold, and without the context, easily to be misunderstood. This world is full of issues that give reason to be anxious and we cannot just defend them with claiming “peace, peace” where there is no peace (Jeremiah 6:14). But God´s word gives us the means and the promise of this command. The promise is real peace, the peace of God that guards our hearts and minds. The means is prayer! We don´t need to be anxious about anything if we cast everything upon the Lord in prayer with pleading and thanksgiving. What an encouragement to face difficulties, unbelief and opposition in this world in the comfort of our victorious Prince of Peace.”

Pray for Nathanael and Peter Schild as they have been encountering hatred and bitter opposition in their public evangelism in Germany.

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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