
Hope all is well with you guys. Amy and I and the kids are doing well here in the jungles of San Martin, Peru. We just wanted to let you know that we turned Heartcry’s financial gift into a 25-passenger aluminum missionary boat with a 60 horsepower outboard motor. This is a huge blessing! Jairo and I signed the final papers two days ago and I hauled it to Chazuta. We took it for a spin and it worked brilliantly! I hope to send you a video soon.

This boat will be extremely useful in the mobilization of biblical evangelists, preachers and pastors. THANK YOU!!!! Apart from the boat Jairo and I want to say “thank you” for the 150 Macarthur Bibles that were sent for the natives in the upcoming conference. I hauled them to Yurimaguas and sent them off with Jairo to San Lorenzo where they will be given to pastors and preachers from each tribal group that attends.

Y’all have been a huge blessing to us, and to the work here in San Martin and Loreto!