
By the grace of God, He has sustained us one more month. God cares about us and has generously blessed us. For the most part, the blessing has been in the joy of service.


The church in Cheremkhovo makes me happy. The people are showing genuine joy, enthusiasm, and attentiveness to the Word, along with a sincere confession of sins. On the first Sunday of the month I took with me a few of the people from the church in Angarsk to Cheremkhovo. We had a lovely and joyful time of fellowship with the church. I met with one of the new members – Larissa. She is a relative of one of the sisters in the church.

On the second Sunday there was a holiday – the anniversary of the church. We came from Irkutsk and shared in their joy. This time there was a lot of people and we did not have enough seats. We were glad to see some there who had previously left. Others came from another church and openly admitted that we teach the truth and want to begin attending regularly.

The Lord appears to be working in the life of a man named Victor. He had heard of God before from his wife when she used to go to church. They have been regularly visiting the church the past few weeks and it seems that the Lord is bringing Victor to repentance. Please pray for him.

Last Sunday I preached about certain aspects of sin, and many repented and spoke about the usefulness of the issues that were raised.

The Lord allowed me to also serve the people of Romanenkino and again to remind them of God and their great need for Him. Victor and Luda from Romanenkino came to Irkutsk to take their children from the hospital. I drove them to the hospital and back to the station and sought to encourage them to look to Christ. We continue to pray for their repentance.


I was in Tulun for four days. I worked both spiritually and physically. We had worship services and I preached the word of God. I also worked to re-construct the old building and clear a place to make room for the toilet, bath, and kitchen. This time I also replaced the wiring in the house. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to address you for the help and for the fact that you have decided to help us in this. There is such a great need and opportunity to help the living conditions of the people in Tulun – both physically and spiritually. The Lord prompted me so much that I and my wife have decided to move our family to Tulun.

Praise the Lord that He keeps us (me, my wife, and our kids). This month we had a light short illness that we easily managed. Through various difficulties the Lord teaches us patience, endurance, and practical trust in Him. Please pray for us. Thank you for your participation in our life and ministry. Grace to you!