Carlos Carhuapoma In Paita, Peru

I’m continuing to read Ashamed of the Gospel by John MacArthur. It has been an important reminder that the pride of man detests the concept of God’s sovereignty. The carnal mind burns in its enmity against God and can’t accept that salvation is by God’s grace. As I have meditated on some of the Scriptures referred to in the book, I have been confirmed in my appreciation of God’s kindness in my life because of how He has saved me. Also, I have been strengthened to teach this message of salvation with greater conviction to the church and wherever God allows me to do so. 

With the brothers and sisters from church, we are studying the letters of John through Zoom. Working with things like video calls is something new to me, but I have my wife and my daughter to help me and that has been a blessing. We have had wonderful times with the brothers and sisters and it has been a joy to me to see them, even if just through a screen. We meet each Sunday and beforehand I call the members to encourage them to join the zoom meeting for prayer and fellowship. 

I ask you to pray for one brother named Alberto. He is a brother that has only a short time in the faith. Along with his family, he has been studying the Bible. Before the pandemic, I often visited them in their home and spoke with the whole family about the gospel, but I haven’t been able to do that lately. His oldest daughter asked me recently to pray for her because she wants to count the cost and follow Jesus. She said she wants to obey Him and do His will. They are continuing to meet together in their home and study the Word. Please pray for them, and for all of Peru.

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Creative in Crisis

Creative in Crisis