
Pavel Purcaci is on the team at the Philadelphia Church with Igor Serement. This month in his report, he shares: 

With God’s help, I was able to finish this busy month. I had many things to do in ministry and also, regarding our moving into the new house. I am thankful to the Lord for supporting me, even if I had to spend several days in bed. He helped me get up and continue the important activities that I had to do.

At the beginning of the month, we were visited by an American missionary team and we had a very busy schedule together. We had VBS at the church every morning in which we had about 60 children attending. They learned about the Ten Commandments through dramas and different other educational and spiritual activities.

In the afternoon, we went to Hirbovatul Nou, where we visited different families and old people. We encouraged them from the Word of God and offered them food supplies. In the evening, we had another VBS in Hirbovatul Nou on the soccer field. Although we were in the open air, the weather was really hot and we used the shade of the cars for shelter during the Bible lesson and crafts. The Lord blessed these activities and we had no incidents.

Then we had another missionary team which organized a camp for the sisters involved in ministry in our community. About 40 sisters attended this camp and some of them slept in the church building. My wife served as a translator, so I had the opportunity to spend more time with our children. During those days, I realized I have to spend more time with our children. I am understanding that it is very important for me to be with them, as I am usually away from home.

After these events, I had a lot of office work to do, filling in financial reports. At a certain point, I got so tired and having also a cold, immediately after preaching at church on a Sunday, I felt so dizzy that I could hardly stand up. I had a hard time getting back home that day where I slept until next day. The next day, I was still dizzy and wasn’t able to walk. So, I spent that day in bed and had a fever the following night. On Tuesday I was able to stand up and get back to work. The Lord strengthened me and I managed to visit twenty families in Hirbovatul Nou and finished the most important reports. Besides this, I also organized the participation of our young people in a youth camp in Romania. 

God is wonderful and He gives us the strength to accomplish what He has planned for us!

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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