Dear brothers and sisters, greetings to you all in Lord Jesus Name!

By the grace of God, me and my family is fine. We are growing in our spiritual life. By God’s grace, our personal Bible study and prayer life is going on well. Last month, we were visited by bro. J.S. He taught in our church about the Gospel. Our church members appreciated that very much. We expect our brother J.S. to visit us again in the future. I want to thank bro. Ranjit, who translated the message and made it clear to the people in their language.

In the last week, we had a one day meeting for the youths. The youths were encouraged to gather and hear from the Word of God. It was decided that the young children will meet every month, on a regular basis for fellowship and encouragement. Please pray that these young children would be protected from the evil one and they would be strong in the faith.

“I’m your God, who heals you…”

Exodus 15:26

we as a family, want to thank you for your prayers for my wife Neelam, who had heart attack. She is recovering.

Please pray for my younger son, Joel, he had taken admission into MSc Bio…for God’s wisdom and providence for his studies.

Please pray for Mrs. Sumant, who is sick in her family. Nancy fell down from a two wheeler and had fracture in her leg, she is in need of healing.

Please pray for Ruchi, she is learning from us about the Gospel and the Saviour.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

Rohan T.