
Thank you very much for your support and prayers.

In this past month the Lord has convicted me of sins I hadn’t seen clearly before. It has been a time of confession and spiritual growth for myself. I am more dependent upon the grace of God today than I’ve ever been, and I realize more and more that my good works do absolutely nothing to qualify me to stand before Him. I have hope and peace only through trusting in Jesus, Who died and shed His blood for me. God uses different means to deal with His people – it may be preaching, or a brother or sister in Christ confronting you about something, or through personal time in prayer and reading Scripture. Most of the conviction I’ve felt from the Lord this past month has come from my daily time in Scripture and prayer. God has wonderfully used these means to show me things in my life that need to change.

One thing in particular I really felt conviction about was my lack of worship to God. Isaiah chapter six really struck me, specifically that when Isaiah had a vision of the glory and majesty of God, he saw his own sin and his particular sin as being a man of unclean lips that lives with a people of unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5). Later in Isaiah God says that the people, “worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me”. I could only imagine when Isaiah had that vision of the glory of God that he was gripped with great conviction about his lack of, or just casual, worship to such an awesome and majestic God! He deserves worship that is with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength!

I was gripped in my own heart of how many times I have been too casual in my worship of God, offering only lip service because my mind had been preoccupied on other things. I felt like Isaiah – a man of unclean lips. I remember hearing Leonard Ravenhill once say that “prayer is intersession, praise is thanksgiving, and worship is preoccupation with God”. May the Lord help me to be more preoccupied with Him!

In ministry I’ve been doing a lot of work in reaching out to the natives at the reserve where I work. I had many opportunities to share my faith with them this past month. Last Sunday I drove down there to do some witnessing. I went to see Tex, an aboriginal man that I used to work with a couple of years ago. I shared the Gospel with him and I could feel that there was a softening of his heart as I shared the Gospel. Pray that God will save him! Another man that I witnessed to is Clayton. He started working with us a few weeks ago. I was recently convicted and broken when I realized that I had not yet shared the Gospel with him. The next day I made sure to approach him. I shared my testimony and explained the Gospel to him, and I believe he was convicted. Pray for Tex, Clayton, and Cody (another man I am witnessing to) that God would save them.