
In this post, Pastor Mathews Fikati reflects on the third anniversary of Chambishi Central Baptist Church in the Copperbelt region of Zambia.

“On 30th March 2017, Chambishi Central Baptist clocked three years of existence in Chambishi area. The journey has both been exciting and challenging. We have had both happy and frustrating moments. One of the most exciting things is to see some people whom I found lost in sin come to Christ in faith and repentance.

One notable example is our brother Mr. Kelvin Chisala. Before conversion he was a drunkard and drug addict. I even smelled beer on him the first Sunday he visited our church. Mr. Kelvin Chisala is now a changed person, and he is not ashamed to tell other people what Christ has done for him. He is very active in the life of the church, helping to organize youth meetings, ushering, leading the worship service and public bible reading. To God alone be the glory!

One of the lessons I have learnt and am still learning is that planting a church is not an easy task. It is a work of great sacrifice; it is a work that demands dependence on the Lord in prayer for grace, strength, wisdom, guidance, and salvation of lost souls. I should hurry to mention that it is also the work that needs faith and patience.

Out of the many people who attended our first Sunday when we were launching the church-plant, only three people have continued to come. People came with all sorts of expectations – some expected healing and miracles, prophesy, and words suiting their itching ears. When they discovered what was contrary to their expectations, they slowly started disappearing. Thankfully, the Lord gave us new people and He has continued to bring people to our church through our efforts, even seeing some of those saved and baptized.

We are confident that the same God who has been with us in the past three years will certainly be with us in the years to come. We are trusting Him for the growth of this church both spiritually and numerically. We are also trusting God for the church building which we desire to start as soon as we finish the process of plot documents with the government authorities. Please continue to pray with us.”