Dear praying friends,

We thank you for your support in the ministries and for us, as we labor together to share the Gospel of Grace. The Lord has enabled me to teach on the “spiritual gifts” to a group of gospel workers. It was good to teach and preach from 1 Cor. 12:4-11, 27-31, Eph. 4:11-13, and 1 Pet. 4:7-11 concerning this subject. The meetings took place very well, as every participant learned that every spiritual gift is from the Lord, every believer is given some kind of gift, and these gifts are given for helping one another (building the church), and for God’s glory. Thank God for the opportunity to meet each month with these leaders and their families.

Praise God for enabling us to share the Gospel with a man, named B. Krishan this week. He invited me and a friend for discussing on the problem of evil, the origin of Satan, etc…. I have prayed and asked God to lead the discussion in such a way that we focus on the Saviour Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and heaven. The Lord answered as we met with this man, and three other believers. At the end of the day, we prayed together and asked God to show us the best way and the Grace of God in our lives.

I thank God for my daughter’s stand recently. She, along with another Christian friend, surprised her teacher. The teacher actually was preparing some kind of a social function in the school. She was teaching the concept of how humanity evolved from monkeys. It was basically a drama of performing dance. Of course, this contradicts the creation account of the Bible. The teacher asked why these two girls don’t want to dance on this concept; the teacher heard the reply from my daughter and her Christian friend that they don’t want to perform on a fake story (evolution of species) according to Charles Darvin. We thank God that our children stood for their faith, and not on the other man made stories.

A few weeks ago I was invited to preach in the chapel of the local Christian hospital. It was a very good gathering of around 90 participants. It included some participants who didn’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. They heard my testimony of how I was led to the Lord through the truth revealed in His Word. I also taught how to please God by doing the work entrusted to us. The Word was received well and I was asked to visit the fellowship at the hospital again.

A young man, by the name of S. Singh has been added to the flock. He is a student of a university. We praise the Lord for him.

We also praise the Lord that we are building our own house. We started working on it, as we have faced several difficulties in our rented house. The house will have 3 bedrooms, two toilets, a kitchen, and the sitting room with the capacity of around 25 people. This will be used for Bible study groups, etc… We would need your prayers to finish it. The walls are currently seven feet tall. There are seven families in the neighbourhood who love the Lord, and are in need of fellowship. I meet them for prayer on Thursday night. There are some others who attend who are seekers. Please be praying for our vision to minister to them.

Please pray for me, my wife, and both children as we minister here.

Thank you,

Ranjit K.