Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I’m very thankful to God for His grace in our lives. We have experienced that as He used me, in teaching the youth in the church at Vnagar. I was able to make it clear to the youths that God desires us to be His children (sons and daughters). It is through faith in Christ, that God accepts us as His precious children. It is not by birth in a Christian family, but purely if we confess our sins, repent from them, accept God as our Father, and Christ our Saviour and Lord. It is God who gives us the right to become His children, when we come to Him through Christ (John 1:12). What a privilege to be God’s own sons and daughters!

Secondly, I experienced God’s grace in teaching our brothers that I work with, about having a membership process in the church. All the friends see the need of a process and ythe benefits of having membership introduced in our churches. We used books from 9Marks on this topic and the notes from Pastor A.. We decided to proceed in this direction and asked God together to bless us, as we go about it in our congregations.

Third point, of God’s grace that we experienced together is the gift of good resource, i.e. we all got three books of Brother Paul, translated in our own language (Hindi)! We praise God for such a gift, which will remain with us for a long time, and it will not only benefit us but even our church members and family members. We want to thank bro J.S. and HeartCry for making it possible for us to obtain the copies as a free gift. Please know that we all appreciate this solid biblical resource.

Fourth point, is that I want to thank you all, for your prayers for our house. Well, we are not any more on rents but have our own house, Halleluah!!! The Lord has heard our prayers and your prayers and He has done it for us. It is a lot for us. We had desired it and He graciously provided and made it possible, which looked like a dream for us. Our children Joel and Upasana jointly cut the ribbon after the prayer of dedication by Pastor S.. There are few things still need to be done but we occupied it on 31st of August and saved paying rent in September.

We thank God for His grace in our lives in the past months. We thank God for His providence via HeartCry, for our family.

Please pray as we plan to attend soon a leader’s conference in U.P., where Abraham will be speaking. Travel safety is much concern these days as many trains have got accidents in the last few weeks.

Please pray for our family that God will continue to use us for making disciples of Christ and to train the leaders in the villages, to mature the church. We are also praying that God will continue to provide for our families here. Thank you.

Blessings to you all.

Ranjit K.