
We are very thankful to you for your prayers and support. We thank you that you have stood with us in times of need. Thank you for helping my family in prayers and helping us financially to pay the medical bills, when my wife went through a miscarriage. We not only received your emails, intercessory prayers but a practical help in times of need. We want to say thank you, as a family, that we appreciate you all there.


Our son has come in 10th grade, he passed his 9th standard. And our daughter has passed her 5th standard and is in 6th standard now. Both are happy, and praise the Lord for His good providence for their school fee, stationary, and protection on the road while going to the school. We as a family want to thank you for your prayers for our both children.

Thanks be to God for me and my wife’s being together in marriage for 15 years. In April’s first week, we were supposed to celebrate it, in our family, but had some problem due to disturbance in our ministries. However, glory to God for the bond that we share because of the covenant, we made in the presence of our Lord, fifteen years ago.

I’m also thankful for a very practical conference, of which I was able to take part for ten days. I’m thankful that they not only gave us lectures but also showed from their local church what it means to preach and teach those truths. The conference was on the topic of “Having a Local Healthy Church.” Praise God for solid teachings and the live visuals of the trainings. My main learning from this conference was, that what a blessing it is to have a healthy local church, that can impact the local body, society, and far beyond. We are praying for God’s grace to be felt in this regard in our local gathering and in the neighbourhoods and even more places.


By God’s grace, we are able to teach the book of Galatians to our believers on Sundays. We also taught about the importance of prayer, fellowship, and Bible studies. Thanks be to God for sustaining us and using our lives for His church’s growth and His kingdom extension.

The Lord has graciously kept us safe thus far as a church even in the midst of warnings from some Hindu activists at the beginning of this month. Five men, entered our premises and disturbed our worship service. They came in the middle of the Worship and began to ask questions to us, related to conversions. We need your prayers for God’s grace to continue to preach the true Gospel that saves sinners from eternal death. It is based on the finished work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and most certainly not on, what we do.

I preached in the Good Friday service, in a joint worship service, with a friend-pastor JP, on the last two sayings of the Lord Jesus Christ, which were well received by the people. On Easter Sunday we gathered with our Thursday prayer group at 6 am and read from the Gospels about the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and our Hope – and then preached the same message to the church at 10am in the worship service. 

Prayer request: Please pray for our church members that we will be bold and faithful in our faith and practice amidst difficult situations. Pray that as opportunity arises, that God will give us wisdom to bear the insults and that we will be able to give the reason of our Hope in Christ Jesus.

Prayer for a family is appreciated as the husband and wife both have some misunderstanding because of the old aged parents and their care. Please remember that they will be good to their aged parents and same will be true of the unbelieving parents.

Please pray for me and my co-worker/s that we will be faithfully doing our teaching and preaching. And that God would add more disciples to our congregation, and that together we will be able to make a difference locally, and in other places too. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

Your brother in Christ,

Ranjit K.