In the grace of God the weekly church fellowship and cottage meetings are going well. In the love of God and in His mercy the believers are growing in the Lord. In the grace of God we have Bible study every Friday. Seven members are attending these Bible studies. In this class I am teaching from the book

“One True God”

Paul Washer.

They are learning about the truths that “God is one,” “Trinity” etc. Along with this teaching, they are also learning the short introduction of the books of the Bible. It is my prayer that God would lead these people to grow in the Lord more and more. May they bring glory to God.

In this month, I got a book called “Living by the book.” In the grace of God, I finished chapter 10. Through these chapters I have learned more about His word. It is helping me to grow in the Lord. This book also teaches the method of studying the Bible. It is very helpful to me, and also I am able to guide the believers in this method to study the Bible. Though many believers read the Bible, they can’t understand it because they don’t have the ideas or methods of studying the Bible. Thanks to God for providing this book. It is very helpful to me and also to the believers. In the grace of God I am visiting different places, people, and sharing the good news to them. I am visiting them and praying for them. I am encouraging them to believe in Christ and grow in the Lord. May God help those people to come in the Lord and live by His Word.

Thanks to God for helping me to do His works.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for the members who are attending the Friday Bible study. My younger son had an operation. Thanks to God for his soon recovery. We are planning to have a women program in June. Pray that God may help us to organize it.


Ragunandan V.