
The following are recent reports from Boutros B.’s supporting church:

October 31st

After this week’s underground church meeting, Boutros was called to go to the secret police office. The current situation in this country has been getting bad and unstable, especially after all the victories that the radical Muslim Rebels have achieved on the ground, and the possibility that they will over throw the government and take over. At a time like this, a meeting with the secret police can be very dangerous. We don’t know if the secret police has called Boutros because of his work among the underground church or for some other reason.

November 2nd, morning

Good morning, the Islamic rebels are gathering themselves around the city where Boutros lives. They tried to enter the city this morning but the army stopped them. Prayers needed, it would be really dangerous if they were able to enter the city.

November 2nd, evening

Boutros is doing good – he is at his home at the moment. In the “meeting” they did not ask him anything about the underground church, but they asked him about his reason for coming to this country. He said that the situation in the city is critical, the Muslim rebels surrounding the city from the North, and the army is all over the city. The coming week is going to be critical for that city and for the church as well.

Please continue to pray for this situation. For more information on Boutros’ recent move and ministry opportunity, read “The Secret Church in Arabia: An Inside Look.”