
Dear HeartCry,

Thanks to God for the past month that God has given our families and our children health and peace! Honestly, in the past few days we have been greatly encouraged by the Lord’s teaching for our spiritual growth. The spiritual life of the spiritual leader is very important.

Thank God for the responsibility of the local church, such as visiting, caring, and evangelizing. The focus is still concentrating on Bible study and teaching. Although the number is not growing numerically, the spiritual life of the members of the Church is changing and maturing. 

At present, God’s work in Vietnam is facing many obstacles such as

“The Mother Goddess”

of An-Xang-Hông; a Korean who has penetrated and operated in an abnormal way. They are spreading propaganda on national television to distort the Christian community in general, and badly affecting other local churches. Especially at our church because some new members in the church have retreated and have left the church for fear of the state. This heresy has caused aversion to the Vietnamese people of the Gospel. Even so, we, as leaders of the local church must pray and explain to them and teach the Bible to the church and persevere in missions. We must do this despite many difficulties and obstacles. We ask the staff and donors to continue to pray for the work here in Vietnam.

We thank God for HeartCry for your concern, prayers, and support to us monthly, as well as many other countries. May the Lord continue to do good deeds on all of you, and on your churches!

Binh B.