Dear partners in the Gospel,

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this brief report from the mission field. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf.

Church Planting Efforts

This month we began to have special meetings to strengthen the foundation of beliefs and
practices that are consistent with our confession of faith. We are teaching on what a biblical church should look like. This is an important step in our church planting process. Please pray that we will be able to establish a biblical church in Frankfurt soon. Please pray that the Lord will show us the men whom He has called to serve as elders and deacons. We are in great need of wisdom and guidance.

Evangelizing Europe Conference

People from 21 countries came together in Vienna for the first Evangelizing Europe Conference. It was my pleasure to give a talk on lessons from the life of J.G. Oncken, one of the most influential missionaries who ever lived. We hope and pray that this conference will help churches to identify evangelists, prepare evangelists, and grow leaders. We long to see Christ proclaimed in every corner of this continent. Please pray. We are planning for a biography of Oncken together with my ten lessons on his life and ministry to be handed out to every baptist minister in Europe for free. Please pray that the Lord might use this to encourage men to pour out their lives for the sake of the Gospel.

Time of Fasting, Humbling Ourselves, and Prayer

We had a special time of fasting, humbling ourselves, and prayer as we realize that we need more of God’s power, wisdom, love, and courage in our personal life and the life of the church. Please pray that all of us grow in Christ’s-likeness by living a life that is in full submission to God’s inerrant Word.

Writing Ministry

This month I finished my daily devotional commentary through Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. Lord willing it will be published this year. I continue with the letters of John. We are also working on revising my sermon series through Philippians and Colossians to publish them in the future. Please pray that these efforts will be a help to the saints and would lead them to treasure Christ more.

I thank you all from the heart for all your prayers and support!