Dear and highly esteemed partners in the Gospel,

It is my privilege to provide you with some news from the mission field. I would like to ask you to pray for some specific areas of our work here in Germany.

  1. Baptism Candidates — A handful of people would like to receive the holy baptism. Please pray for them and for us as we seek to instruct them.
  2. Seeking Elders and Deacons — We still study carefully and pray earnestly through all the qualifications of elders and deacons as given in the Scriptures. Please continue to pray for us as we are in great need of wisdom and guidance.
  3. Tract Ministry — We already wrote and designed a couple of Gospel tracts, but it was on my heart to write a new one this month. As we hand out numerous tracts I am constantly thinking about how to make our tracts better, meaning simpler and clearer. I wrote a tract called “Jesus Christ – Judge and Savior”. Please pray for us as we seek to be faithful in sharing the Gospel in a biblical way.
  4. Using the Internet for Christ’s Sake — We recently launched a new and improved website ( for our church plant as many people have found and are finding us through the internet. If people nowadays look for a church in their area they will go straight to Google. Before people will visit your church they will visit your website and form opinions about your church — for better or worse. This is why we think it is helpful to have a well maintained website. Furthermore, we receive an increasing number of messages from people in Germany who are encouraged by listening to our sermons online. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use these modern means as a blessing for many.
  5. A Hunger for Biblical Instruction in the Land — Thanks to God, we had around five new visitors every Sunday this month. In addition, different people from various places contacted us and asked for biblical instruction. To give you an example, churches and individual brothers are very curious about learning how to do biblical evangelism. Other Christians who can’t find a biblical church intend to come for a visit to get to know our church plant. Please pray for all these various contacts. We are small and have but little strength. We need wisdom to faithfully and lovingly serve where we can.
  6. Counseling — One major part of my ministry is to care for the souls of our church plant. This can be very challenging at times. Please pray for all those in our midst who are needy and afflicted. In addition, please pray for an engaged couple which is quite new in our midst. It is my joy and privilege to assist this wonderful couple with a marriage preparation course.
  7. Preaching Ministry — I continued with my series through the First Letter to the Corinthians. I addressed very practical issues like “The Danger of Fornication,” “How to Avoid Overcome the Sin of Fornication”, “Marriage Life and How to Live for God’s Glory as a Single Person”. Please pray for all those who listened. Lord willing, I will travel to Romania in April to speak at a conference ( I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this time.

With the deepest gratitude and highest respect.