Dear and highly esteemed partners in the Gospel,

I cannot thank you enough for all your prayers and support! It is my privilege to give you a report on our church planting efforts in Frankfurt, Germany.

Preaching Ministry

We continued with our series trough the first letter to the church in Corinth. I addressed various issues pertaining to church life: Growing together in spiritual maturity, the vital importance of Biblical church discipline, and how to resolve disagreements and conflicts in the church in the most Christ-like manner. Please pray that the study of 1 Corinthians results in a deeper and more passionate relationship with the Lord and with one another.


Two young men who are part of our church plant began to join me in street evangelism during the week. It is greatly encouraging to see brothers take a real and active interest in reaching the lost for Christ. It was the first time that these brothers handed out tracts, engaged people in conversation and witnessed to them on the street. At first, they were a bit hesitant and nervous but it didn’t take long for them to become brave and courageous for Christ’s sake. Please continue to pray for us that we might be clothed with power from on high to win souls to Christ.


We would really appreciate your prayers as this month has been accompanied by hardships and trials within our congregation. We trust in the Father of mercies and God of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Cor. 1:3-4). Praised be his name forevermore!

Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons

It is very crucial in our church planting efforts to recognize and cultivate godly church leaders. We meet every Wednesday for a Bible study and an opportunity to share and pray together. It is our habit to pray through the Scripture. Right now we study and pray through the list of the specific qualification of elders as given in 1 Timothy 3. I continued to train a group of men in hopes that in time some of them can serve as elders and deacons. Please pray especially for a brother who is preparing his very first sermon. Please pray for us as we need wisdom and guidance to find the men who God has called to the ministry.

We thank you for every single prayer on our behalf!