Toward the end of July, Esteban and I had the opportunity to travel to Lima to attend the HeartCry conference. The greatest blessing for us, in addition to the edifying teaching, was the chance to get to know missionaries from Peru that have suffered persecution for the sake of the Gospel, and also many who live in very poor places, with the purpose of being able to infiltrate with the Gospel those who are most lacking in earthly wealth. We were truly encouraged by their testimonies. In Argentina, we do not have contact with pastors and evangelists that live in such circumstances, so to have the opportunity to speak with the missionaries in Peru was truly a healthy experience.

In the life of the church in Rosario, we are seeing the brothers and sisters grow steadily. I would like to specifically tell you about one brother that is suffering a severe tumor. Despite his physical afflictions, and despite the fact that he is confronted with the possibility of death, he has shown great hope and joy in the Lord. We have never seen him complain or show self-pity in any way, but rather he has shown the total opposite. I remember hearing him pray at one point with such an expression of joy and delight in the Lord, with such an obvious display of sincere hope in God and disregard for current sufferings, that it left me with a sense of reverence for the work of the Holy Spirit in this man’s life.

By the grace of God, it seems that this brother is miraculously recovering, and for now it looks like the Lord is granting us more time to be in fellowship with him, and also giving him more time to fulfill his desire of reaching his family and many others with the Gospel. He has only been walking with the Lord for a short time, but nonetheless, we see in him a display of the power of the Gospel. He spent many years deceived by a false gospel, never seeing any fruit in his life; but upon hearing only once the blessed Gospel of the grade of Jesus Christ, everything that the flesh could not accomplish during all those years was accomplished in an instant. His very soul was consumed by the dignity and irresistible beauty of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Praised be the Name of the Lord!

In addition to these events, my primary concern for Family of Grace Church is the preparation of laborers. Every Saturday I am devoting myself to instructing those who show evidence of a calling to the ministry, but it is critical that fire descends over the alters and that the unction of the Holy Spirit be manifested among us. So much could be accomplished in this nation if the Lord provides us with laborers who are apt for every good work, filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. I beg you to be praying about this need.