
Tsholofelo Kukuni serves as a pastoral intern with Richard Raven at Hope Bible Church in Bloemfontein, South Africa.  He keeps us informed on the life of the church.  It is always encouraging to hear of new members being added to the church.

“Even though we are not seeing as many conversions as we pray for, the Lord is adding to His church, and all the elect in Bloemfontein will one day be saved. We believe that wholeheartedly, and it is because of this that we preach the gospel weekly. As we reported in our last ministry update, two of our beloved members relocated to other parts of the country, and were formally removed from membership. The Lord brought us comfort, though, by adding three new members to HBC. We rejoice in that, and although they joined us as already converted believers, we long to see new members brought onto membership through the efforts of our evangelism.

On March 26th we are going to have a baptism for one of the new members, and hopefully a few weeks/months after that have two other baptisms of people who are in the process of membership application and have indicated that they desire to be baptized. In light of this, please pray for about four people who are going to apply for membership in a month or so and a few more who have started with the discipleship course, with the hope of applying for membership in the near future.

We continue to receive visitors to the church literally every week, but most just never stay. Not long ago the morning service attendance was over 90 and the evening service over 40 people in attendance! Please pray that as Richard labors faithfully in the exposition of the Word, together with the other men in the church, that these souls would come under conviction and, if not converted and committed, that they might come to love the Lord Jesus Christ and His church.”