Warm greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the grace of God we all are fine and hope you are too.

Ministry Activities

I would like to give thanks to God for His grace and blessing in our church. The church construction is going on. I am spending my time to construct the church. Along with this I am visiting to believers. I encouraged them in Christ to depend and look on Lord Jesus Christ.

I visited some believer’s in their house also. I spent time with them encouraging in Christ. I also visited those believers who are neglecting public worship service. Those people are also more concern on physical healing rather than the spiritual healing. I told them the work of Christ. He came to deliver us from our sin and give us the eternal life. I encouraged them to attend the worship service.

Pray Requests

  • Please pray for us that we may finish the church construction
  • Pray for those believers who are neglecting public worship and not concern in spiritual matters.
  • Pray for my health and my ministry.

Sincerely, Chandra R.