
Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is gracious enough so far and He helped me for His work on this month.

Ministry Activities

It is my joy to go from village to village to evangelize the people. By the grace of God I had gone to a new village in this month. It is the place call Tamakhani, which takes 2 hour by foot. It is my privilege to visit this place through one of the sisters called Durga. When she heard the Good News she showed an interest and both she and her husband are coming to the church. While visiting with their village I got an opportunity to contact four other families. May God prepare their hearts by His Spirit to respond to the Gospel I shared.

God gives all things in His time. I was praying for Sunday school fellowship for children in the villages and also a teacher for them and God has provided the need in due time. This month we are starting a Sunday school fellowship. We have a one hour Sunday school fellowship and one hour for school studies. It is our goal to equip the children in the Scripture and also to equip them in their studies. The motivation is to teach the school studies in order to open the way for evangelism to the non-believing children. Presently, only the children of Christians are attending but we are praying non-believers will soon attend. Now their studies are better than before and also they are learning the word of God.

We got privilege to celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday together (Karan Dada Annanta Church and Siluwa Annanta Church). On Good Friday I shared the message form Luke 23: 44-49 and preached to them that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins. On Easter Sunday we had Easter meeting and gathered together in the joy to worship our risen Lord. I have shared from Luke 24: 1-12. The resurrection is the power of the gospel. If Christ is not raised our faith is in vain 1 Cor 15:14. It was very blessed time to all of us on this day.

Thank God for His great love and also His strength in my life for His works. Also thank to HeartCry for your great support, prayer, teaching, and your encouragement.

Prayer Request

  • Pray for Durga for her health and spiritual growth.
  • Pray for the children and the teachers and also non-believer children that God may open door.
  • Pray for the people of the new people where I have visited. Let God work in their hearts and may they come to Christ.
  • Pray for my ministry and the flocks which I am ministering.

Sincerely, Gary G.