
The following are some of the accounts that the missionaries have experienced in the last month:  


“It is difficult for me to equip the people in God’s Word, because most of them are illiterate. They are from a Hindu background, so many concepts are still built on Hindu philosophy. By the grace of God, some are coming out from such views, but most of the older people still struggle with this. This is understandable. Though they confess Jesus for their salvation and forgiveness from their sin, it is a slow shift to a Biblical view in some areas. It is my prayer that God would lead them, and that they would grow in the Lord and live according to the Word of God.” Please pray.


God has been very gracious to Gary in the past several months, despite the difficulties. Mr. Terry, a young man who spent two years in Silas’ internship program, returned to further strengthen the ministry. He is helping the men in the mountains with sermon preparation. Each Thursday, they all sit together and study the text. They develop the main thought of the text and discuss how it should be preached in the church. This has been extremely helpful to the men.  


“In these days, many believers have been attacked by false teachings. One of the cults that we deal with is called “Sachai” (translated “Truth”). The followers of this cult worship idols, perform Hindu rituals, focus on physical healing, preach a prosperity gospel, and are involved with many Hindu practices. Though they proclaim that they are Christian, they are against God’s Word. Recently, one of the believers was influenced by this teaching. Upon hearing that they were planning on attending one of their meetings, I went to their house to visit them. I counseled them, and showed them that the Bible clearly teaches us not to worship idols. I praise the Lord that after this counsel, they have not attended any meetings. I am continuing to visit them and remind them of the Gospel message. Please pray for them.” 


Being a believer in Nepal brings a great cost. Mr. Suraj has been attending the church regularly for about 7 months. He is a sincere young man, but he is facing difficulties from his family because of his faith. His parents recently found out about his faith, and now they are against him. They are continually warning him, and saying that he will be kicked out of their home if he does not turn away. By God’s grace he is attending the fellowship. I am visiting him regularly in his home for encouragement. We study God’s Word together and he is fully aware of the cost to follow Christ. I encouraged him to continue his fellowship with the church, while maintaining his relationship with his family. Pray for this young man. That the Lord would save him and give him the strength to stand.


“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

James 1:27

Tul ministers to two widows at this time. This is not an easy ministry, as both of them are illiterate. Unfortunately, many would see a ministry like this as useless, but Tul sees the heart of God and understands that these two souls are precious in His sight. Because they cannot read, he encourages them to listen to the message carefully, and then spend time in prayer about what they hear.  Pray the Lord would grant wisdom in dealing with their souls. That they would draw close to the Lord for the remainder of their lives.