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“While Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was being provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols. So he was reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and in the market place every day with those who happened to be present.” – Acts 17:16-17

We continue to be grateful that the Lord’s had us in the book of Acts during this season. This description of Paul in Athens was a helpful reminder to us as a church when we studied it a few weeks ago. Paul’s distress as he wanders Athens was a helpful reminder that we will never speak for God in our scheme (low-income housing community) until we feel like God about our scheme. Paul felt like God felt about Athens, so he proclaimed Jesus everywhere in Athens. And so as we live here our prayer constantly needs to be, “Lord, help me to see people as you see people, and to feel for people as you feel for people.” If you could pray that for us too, we would be massively grateful. 

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Recent gathering for baptisms at the beach

Although it’s been a tough few months, and there have been many casualties in the battles of mental health, addiction, and lethargy, we’ve also seen an increased interest in the Scriptures from unbelievers, prodigals returning to the church family, and new believers baptized. The Lord Jesus is building His church.  

Last time we asked you to pray that we would be able to meet together soon as a church and that we would make progress in the appointment of as assistant pastor. God’s been kind to us on both fronts. We have now been meeting in the Faith Mission Bible College for the last four Sundays. Although, it’s not in the scheme, and although we are limited to 50 people, we have loved being back together. And in August we voted as a church to appoint Tim Rawlinson to be our assistant pastor, and Lord willing, Tim, Claire, and Jude will start with us in Gracemount in January 2021. Thank you for your prayers. 

Prayer Points:

For Tim and his family, as they plan to join the work in January.

For wisdom and creativity in knowing how to continue to minister, particularly with the children and young people, without a building and within the current and ever-changing restrictions of lockdown. 

For those for whom the lockdown and isolation continue to entail huge struggles with temptation, addiction, depression, and self-harm. Pray that we would have discernment as elders in knowing how to care for people and that our church would daily be devoted to each other as the family of God and the body of Christ. 

For wisdom as we think more about how to reach out with the gospel to the schemes next door to ours.