Our God has blessed us greatly this month as a family. My wife has recovered from the pains that she was suffering in her muscles and back, and she is now much better, and I am no longer having problems with pain in my head.

Recently my wife and I traveled down to one of the cities near our town, and spoke with a pastor there who proposed the possibility of us taking over a church plant in one of the newer districts of the city. I ask your prayers for the brothers and sisters there, that they might be able to find someone to take over the work. I cannot move there, since I cannot leave our church without someone to pastor it.

The rains have begun. The mosquitos have begun, also. We are looking at the possibility of changing our church schedule in order to avoid the danger of people traveling in the rain and in order to avoid the hours in the evenings when the mosquitos are the worst. The evening services will have to moved to the daytime. Please pray that the rain and the mosquitos would not be an obstacle to serving the Lord.

This month was a very difficult for us as a church, and we discovered that there were very terrible sins among some of the members. We ask your prayers for those that have been affected and hurt by these sins, and for the leadership of the church as we seek to help bring restoration to the families.

We also ask your prayers for the group of men that is meeting every Monday to study Biblical Interpretation.

We continue to support the work in Caca Turo, a small town nearby, as well as a group of believers in a town called Pueblo Nuevo. Each Friday and Sunday we are traveling to those places.