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From July 14 to July 24, all of the HeartCry missionaries from Peru and Argentina met together in Lima for two weeks of training and fellowship. The first week was spent in a classroom setting, as the men were instructed by Walter Isse through the first eight chapters of Romans. Throughout the morning and into the afternoon the men attended the intensive course, and they spent the evening in study and fellowship.

The second week contained a three-day conference with the theme of “The Centrality of Preaching.” Due to Visa issues upon arrival at the airport in the Dominican Republic, Sugel Michelen, who was to be the main speaker at the event, was unable to make the trip to Lima. Upon getting the phone call the day that Sugel was supposed to travel, we decided to go forward with the conference by asking several of the HeartCry missionaries to teach the four sessions the first day.

Several of the men expressed a burden and desire to teach, and thankfully the Lord used these men, despite having less than twenty-four hours to prepare. Juan Pablo Osorio, Jose Luis Siancas, Ivan Tassara, Nicolas Serrano, and Esteban Toloza all shared in the teaching, covering topics ranging from the discipline of the preacher to the necessity of expository preaching. Beginning the second day of the conference, we were able to set up a projector screen and audio system in order to have Sugel teach via internet. Also, the director of the Lima academy, David Barnes, taught twice on the sufficiency of the Scriptures and the need for the power of God in preaching. Thankfully, despite the last minute hiccups, the conference was carried out smoothly, and the men received edifying training from God’s Word.

In addition to the HeartCry missionaries, in attendance at the conference there were several other pastors from Lima, some from the jungles, and many from the northern mountains as well as the Cuzco mountain region. After speaking with the men both during and after the conference, one of the greatest blessings for each of them was the opportunity to meet other HeartCry church planters, share testimonies of the Lord’s work in their respective ministries, and be mutually encouraged by the one another’s counsel and faith.

Thank you for praying throughout the two weeks of teaching. Please continue to pray that the teachings would prove fruitful in their application in the men’s lives and ministries.