It is my greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the grace of God we all are well and hope that you all are well in His grace. This is my joy to share the ministry activities of this month.

Ministry Activities: In the grace of God the weekly church services and the cottage meetings are going well. In the grace of God the second Saturday’s teaching program is going well. On second week of this month I had taught on the attributes of Word:

  1. The word is true (2 Samuel 22: 31)
  2. The word is trustworthy (2 Samuel 7:28)
  3. The word is pure (Ps. 12:6, Prov. 12:5)
  4. The word is everlasting (Mark 13:31)
  5. The word is living and active (Heb. 4:12)

On 18-20 July I had got opportunity to attend the HeartCry conference. Brother David taught us about preaching method. He taught that when we study or prepare the message we have to know the author and the reader of the book, the culture, language, time, situation, background, context of the book or the passages. It is very important class and was blessed times.

In God’s grace and in His providence we finished ingbuild the room for the Sunday school. Now we are searching the land for the church. For this we are raising the funds. Let God provide for His glory.

I would like to give thanks to God and to HeartCry for the true teaching and your support in my life. God may bless you.

Sincerely, Greg P.