I have been very moved recently be the case of a friend of mine from our neighborhood. He suffered a terrible accident when he fell more than 50 feet from a mango tree. My friend’s name is Fermain. He heard the gospel approximately 15 years ago and began to attend church with us. However, he soon returned to the world and began to live in his trespasses and sins. Even sadder, is that he began to make fun of the church and to speak badly of her. Now, in light of what has happened to him, the thing that he has cried out in his pain is “brothers pray for me.”

Fermain’s situation is critical. He broke three ribs, one of which punctured his lung and made it hard for him to breathe. He has broken bones in each of his legs among other terrible injuries. The truth is that the doctors are not very hopeful about his survival. All he does, day and night, is cry out in his pain. However, in the midst of his crying out, he also asks for prayers.

Brothers from our church have gone to visit Fermain and he now is saying that he has repented of his sin. As a church we are praying for him and showing him our love by helping with some of his medical bills. Personally, I don’t believe it is possible to live after falling over 50 feet (almost five stories). Nevertheless, that he did survive shows the goodness of God, as it says in Lamentations: “by the goodness of the LORD we have not been consumed.”

Beloved brothers, my friend has been transferred to Trujillo because his situation is very complicated. Even so, I continue to follow up with him and to find out how he is doing. As they were loading him into the ambulance to take him to Trujillo, he told me with tears: “Pray for me. When I return, I am going to come to church. I want a Bible. I want to know more about Jesus.” My friend’s uncle is a pastor and he has been with Fermain since he had his accident. He will stay with him until he recovers. In light of all of this, I ask you brothers, to join me and our church in praying for the salvation and/or confirmation of the salvation of Fermain.