The church of God in Mallaritos is growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We continue to do discipleship in homes and also to preach the gospel. As we preach the gospel, it is sad to hear from people their erroneous ideas, which they have picked up from the practices of religious groups, which actually have nothing to do with the gospel. Nevertheless, we continue to advance, as Paul said, working “to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (2 Cor 10:5).

Beloved brothers, it is hard to describe the faces of those to whom we preach the gospel of Christ which focuses on the glory of God. Many tell us, “no one has ever told me these things.” Many end up very disturbed, others angry, and others somewhat reflective. God, in his grace and mercy, has saved people from each of these groups.

I also want to share with you, brothers, that during the second week of September I traveled to Aranza-Ayabaca to the Bible conference in the mountains. I traveled with my father, Pastor Luis Siancas, Pastor Miguel Carhuapoma, and other brothers. It was a tiring trip, as usual, but it was very edifying to be with the brothers in the faith. There were close to 700 people who came to hear the preaching of the Word of God. This time the teaching focused on the family and the roles of each member of the family according to the Scriptures. I was personally very blessed to spend these days with the pastors and brothers from the churches in the mountains.