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Greetings in our Savior’s Name,

Like many, the pandemic has been a challenge for us here as lockdown has put us into our four-sided walls. But as the Apostle Paul, in talking about the failure of the chain to bind the Gospel, says in 2 Timothy 2:9, “But the word of God is not bound!” The following are the stories that witness the truthfulness of this word, even to this day. I’m very encouraged in writing these things down to you. In the process, I am pressed to pray, “Lord help my unbelief,” as I’m sometimes concerned about various hindrances the lockdown has put in the life of the Church and ministry. I’m reassured of the promise of our reigning Christ – that He is still building His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! I hope and pray that you will also be encouraged and give all praise and glory to our good and gracious King.

Recently, a young student was introduced to us by another brother. He initially had shared the gospel with her, and by God’s grace, she was willing to be part of our fellowship regularly. This allowed us to share the Gospel with her often. Slowly and gradually, we began seeing the work of the Spirit in her life. I remember an instance where she shared with us her recognition of how rebellious she was. As she listened to the preaching of the Word, God is opening her eyes to the truth and reality of the Gospel, and what it means to be a Christian. We are rejoicing in the Lord to see her growing eagerness to read and know the Bible. We can see the joy she has being around believers. We are in prayer, and long to hear her profess Christ as her Savior and Lord, to be baptized, and follow Christ at all cost. Please pray for her that God’s work for salvation in her life is evident. As she is from a Hindu family, there is the possibility that she has to suffer at some point if she would profess her faith in Christ. Pray that God, in His grace, would grant her strength to stand for Him at all cost.

I am currently studying the Gospel according to Mark with a family from our fellowship. Except for the brother, the rest of the family is not very sure about their salvation. He has prayed and labored for his family so that they would come to the true saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God has blessed this brother’s labor for his family, as the growing desire of knowing God’s Word in his sister-in-law is being evident. Our recent study was from Chapter 1:9-20 where we studied about following Christ at all cost, as He is God’s Beloved Son and King who came to save sinners. During our study, I was speaking with her (who is also a football player), whether is it still worthy to follow Christ. I asked her that if Christ was still worth her being cast out by her coach and banned from playing football. Her reply to the question gave me tearful joy! She said, “It is still worthy to follow Christ!” Our study that day was concluded with praise and rejoicing as we looked at what a Savior Christ is! Please join with me in praising God for His marvelous work in this family through His Word, and that God will continue His work of salvation in the rest of the family members.

I would like to conclude with some prayer requests. Please pray for our fellowship. We are a new church plant and we were hoping to covenant together as a church by June of this year. Due to lockdown, we are not able to meet in person, and we don’t know when we can meet and covenant together as a church. We are eagerly looking forward to that day, but trust in God’s providence. Please pray that we will be holy and blameless in our conduct and a community who will testify about Christ before the watching world.

Finally, I, along with all the brethren here, would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to you all for your ceaseless generous support and prayers. Through your support, we have been helped greatly in carrying out the Gospel work here. Word will not suffice to describe our thankfulness towards God and you all. We love you and pray for you.