Ion Tomeci shares some of the difficulties that they have encountered in the building of the HeartCry Missionary Center in Brasov. 

“This month we have been very much involved with the construction work, mediating between the constructor, the architect, our neighbors, the department of culture and many other suppliers with responsibilities in this area, including our connection to the city water supply, gas and electricity. Even more, we are still looking for people qualified to work with the windows and also to finish the walls of the building.

One big challenge was associated with building the roof.  We pray to God that we would be able to put the roof on the top of the building before the end of November. We had bad weather this month, with low temperatures and rain. However I was able to share the gospel with people that I met.

I started to talk to one man about the Lord and he is a very open person. Another challenge that I had was at the end of October when I had an accident and I endured some back pains and also pains in my leg. This week I am going to have a medical exam for my brain. I praise God for not having a spinal injury. Please pray for me and for everybody else to be healthy in order to be able to finish the construction work. We need also spiritual protection because the local authorities are not very happy with the fact that an evangelical church is being built in the center of the town. We have already had a complaint and I had to go to the local police. I went there for a meeting where I had to give explanations.  I met some very difficult people. While I was there, waiting to meet with the officers, I kept thinking about our brothers who had to go through many challenges from the communist authorities in the past. Thank you very much for your prayers and for supporting financially the ministry in Romania. God has revealed to us great truths from His Word and we have so many things to pass to the next generation.”

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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