
As a church, we are focusing on involving each member in ministry. We’re taking advantage of our sermon series through 1 and 2 Thessalonians to encourage and exhort the brothers to better serve one another. We have also had some response to our evangelism and some neighbors have come to visit our church. I ask you to pray for the opportunity we have to share the gospel with them, that we might do it with wisdom. 

With the men in the congregation I am focusing on our need to grow the knowledge of the Lord and in the ability to lead in their homes through meditation on the Scriptures. The work can be difficult at times, but I thank the Lord that my brothers are making efforts to spend time alone with the Lord. Even though sometimes they are not as faithful in their involvement in the church as they ought to be, I am always talking with them and helping them understand the need they have to be in fellowship with other believers and to be comforted in God’s word in the midst of trials.

On Saturdays we are taking time to teach the church how to read and teach the Bible. For now, we are studying through the New Testament, working through Paul’s epistles. I ask you to pray for our church and for all the things we desire to do as a body. Pray for the brothers and sisters of our congregation, both for those who are encouraged and desirous to serve the Lord, and for those who are discouraged. Pray that each believer would apply their gifts to strengthen the ministry and work toward the vision of Christ for His church.