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I have been starting Sunday meetings at home since some last month. Some people have been baptized in water. God be thanked they understand Gospel very well, but still need maturity. Nevertheless, they get blessings from the Word Of God.

I share Gospel with new people, and they get the baptism of water after receiving Christ as their Saviour. May God be thanked that people are getting growth in number and spiritually very well.

We have been starting Sunday school, worship meetings, prayer meetings, youth meetings, and visits door to door for the last two months. That’s going very well. I also started expositional preaching from the Gospel of Mark, and people like this very much. Personal counseling with people is going very well.

I am trying to find leadership in the local church. But in other places, I am working with three friends. I am very hopeful they will be good leaders, and they will lead home group by the Grace of God. I have started reading Pastor Paul Washer’s book ”The Gospel’s Power and Message” with them. That’s very helpful for them. And I give this book to many pastors, and I am very hopeful that they will share the Gospel better.

In the last two months, God has used me in many evangelism meetings. I share the shared the Gospel. There were five evangelism meetings with good attendance. They heard the Gospel and received blessings. God be thanked He use me for His glory. I am noting But ”I can do all things through him who strengthens me”(Philippians 4:13)