Tirta Adopt Pic 1

HeartCry missionary Tumma Komang and his wife Jayachandra have been unable to have children since they were married seven years ago. In February 2020, Tumma traveled to the Mentawai Islands with another HeartCry missionary in order to spend time with an American missionary working on the islands. During that time, he heard of a woman who had moved away and had sold her little girl. When the director of a local Compassion project heard what had happened, she searched for the child and was able to rescue her. Afterwards, the girl was placed with a host family until further arrangements could be made for her long-term care. In the last few months, the American missionary has been working with Indonesian lawyers in order to help Tumma and his wife adopt her. The adoption was finalized this month, and she is now with her new parents. We give thanks to the Lord for answering Tumma and Jayachandra’s prayers; we also give thanks to the Lord for rescuing this precious little girl and giving her godly parents. Please ask the Lord to help and strengthen this family, and that the Lord would be pleased in due time to visit this little one with salvation.