
I want to greet you in the name of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; you are always in our prayer list. God is using you dear brethren as we are toiling in this place. Thank you very much for all your prayer and financial support.

Ministry Report

This is a rainy month which we all have a hard time to visit each other. Despite of all these things I had soul winning opportunities. God was still in there in His harvest place and I was able to witness to two families and we had truly a great time. Their response was positive but we still need to continue to pray for them. I was also able to share the Gospel to four people individually. We had a children crusade and two ladies teacher from B.S.T bible school came and conducted children campaign. There were 60 kids who came and a lot of them was able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for that! But it would not have been possible without your prayer and support. I continue to visit our believers and always we have our prayer meeting devotion for them to grow in the Lord.

Prayer Requests

We want to share the gospel, along with our church family, to the other villages and for our church members to grow in the Lord. Also, to continue on no matter what the situation to be faithful.


Gouba Thang