In the grace of God the weekly church services and cottage meetings are going well. I am nurturing the believers in His words. They are growing in the Lord.

Thanks to God for His blessing that we could celebrate our son’s birthday on this month. I invited to some church leaders, church believers, relatives and village people. It was my great opportunity to share the good news. My relatives and village people were joined in the fellowship. They heard the message in the fellowship. After over the fellowship my relatives and village people asked many questions about Christianity. They asked, “who is Christ?” “who is God?”, “what He did”, “what we can do for God?”, “give proof where is God?” It is very difficult to deal with these questions in very little time, but in His grace I told them about human sins, forgiveness and salvation is only from Christ. They discussed some hours in this matter and some of them opposed me for leaving the Hindu religion. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to share His good news in this occasion. Many of my relatives didn’t want listen about Christ, but this day was my great opportunity that God opened the door to share His good news to them. It’s my prayers that my relatives and other village people may also come in the Lord.

In this month I had opportunity to share the gospel to Mr. Ram N. He used to do many ritual activities to get peace in his heart. He drinks, smoke, go for pilgrimages in order to get peace in his heart, but couldn’t. On the day that I met him, he couldn’t join in Hindu ritual program for some reason. So, he was returning back home and very upset. I met him on the way and talked to him. He shared all his problems. I told he that we receive peace only in Christ and He is only a peacemaker. I shared the good news to him. He was very happy and was thankful. I am visiting him, and sharing about Christ. He is responding positively and telling me that he will come to church to attend the fellowship. May God guide him to Himself!

Once again thanks to God for helping me to share His good news to my local people in all situation. May God give me more strength and also His knowledge to share His good news.

Prayer Requests: Thanks to God for His grace in my son’s life. Please pray for my relatives and village people for their life in the Lord. Please pray for Mr. Ram Nath. He may understand the truth and may follow Christ.


Danny P.