I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. On this occasion, I am much more encouraged as I write this report. He is raising up this small remnant of believers here in our town. The Scriptures say that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church. That is His promise, and it applies even to this small group of His children here. The enemy has tried to destroy us in various ways these past months, and it has been very difficult. The church has been tested, but it has served as an opportunity to examine ourselves in the faith and in the way of Christ. We have entrusted our burdens to the Lord.

One of the results of the recent trials we have gone through has been greater devotion to pray for one another. We meet together and pray collectively for each individual, that the Lord might strengthen us, and also that He might cause His Gospel to advance to more and more hearts.

Another way that the Lord has used these recent tests has been in stirring our hearts for evangelism. During this month, many members of the church have been intentional about sharing the Gospel door-to-door in our town. The Lord has been gracious to us this month in bringing two new people to our meetings, which is very encouraging to us. Perhaps it does not seem like much, but we are joyful that the Lord is raising us up and bringing more people to hear the preaching of His Word.

I hope that you will pray for us, as we also continue in prayer, seeking always to preach Christ.