In our church we are very thankful to the Lord because of two recent opportunities to preach the gospel. I always had the desire to share the gospel with a particular family. A sister at church, who is related to this family, persuaded the majority of the family members to come to some meetings we were having. At the meetings, most of them listened very attentively to the gospel of Christ. During those nights, I preached on Ephesians 2:1-10. Please pray for their salvation.

We continue having services in the homes of some of our members, especially those who are going through hard times. We do this with the goal of comforting and encouraging them, in order that they might glorify God in the midst of afflictions. Our God is at work through this. One example is the life of Yusmel. She is no longer just a child of one of our church members, she is now a child or the Lord. She recently repented and professed faith in Christ for salvation. Now we are praying for her spiritual growth and health.

Finally, I would like to ask you pray for our brothers who are suffering because of the intense rains we have had here recently. Since many of them have homes of adobe, the water has made their homes somewhat dangerous because of potential collapse.