That His Name Be Great
Among The Nations

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Partnering With Indigenous
churches across the globe…

…That they might send forth their
missionaries in a manner worthy of God.

"…Send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they went out for the sake of the Name…Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth." —III John 5-8

What Matters To Us

Our Doctrine

Our Focus

Our Hope

Jesus commanded the church to make disciples by going, baptizing, and teaching (Matthew 28:19-20). Therefore, all missionary activity must ultimately result in the dissemination of biblical truth resulting in the salvation and transformation of lives in accordance with the revealed will of God. Any attempt to fulfill the Great Commission by depreciating the importance of doctrine is a theological and philosophical contradiction. Doctrine is not the antagonist of the Christian faith, but its foundation.

HeartCry holds unwaveringly to the Scriptures as the only inspired, infallible, inerrant, and sufficient standard of the Christian faith (II Timothy 3:15-17). We primarily and substantially identify with the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. It was the confession of the early Baptists in Europe and of Charles Spurgeon and the Metropolitan Tabernacle.

Whenever we ask the question, “How can we extend, build up, or strengthen the church?” the answer is always the same: through the evangelists, pastors, and teachers that God has provided “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12). Countless mission strategies have been put forth as the cure for the weakness of the church. However, in Ephesians 4:11-12, we find the biblical solution. The church is built through the ministries of the evangelist, the pastor, and the teacher. If the church is weak, it is either because there is a lack of these three laborers or because they themselves have not been properly equipped for the task.

To reach the unreached we must send men who can not only do the work of the evangelist, pastor, and teacher, but are also able to identify and train others on the field. We must never forget that the essential ministries of the church are the essential ministries of the Great Commission!

HeartCry Missionary Society was established for two great purposes. The first is to labor beside indigenous missionaries. The second is to demonstrate God’s faithfulness to meet the needs of those who wait upon Him in prayer. When Paul Washer was a new Christian, he was given the Autobiography of George Müller, a dear friend of Charles Spurgeon who cared for thousands of orphans in Bristol, England. Mr. Müller was determined to never raise funds or even allow his needs to be known. He would only publish what the Lord had done and was doing.

Other than the Scriptures, the Autobiography of George Müller has been the most influential book in brother Washer's life, and he has communicated these same convictions to all who labor in this ministry. Thus, our every need will be obtained through prayer. We may share our missionary vision, but we may not raise support by publishing our needs or by prodding our brothers and sisters to give. If this ministry is of the Lord, then He will be our Patron. If He is with us, He will direct His people to give, and we will prosper. If He is not with us, we will not and should not succeed.

Supporting 386 Indigenous Missionaries In 72 Countries

Meet Indigenous Missionaries

Supporting indigenous laborers in the Lord’s harvest is HeartCry’s preeminent ministry. Explore the regions where these missionaries work.

North america

10 Indigenous Missionaries
In 3 Countries


75 Indigenous Missionaries
In 22 Countries


78 Indigenous Missionaries
In 12 Countries

Latin america

78 Indigenous Missionaries
In 13 Countries


117 Indigenous Missionaries
In 14 Countries

Middle east

28 Indigenous Missionaries
In 8 Countries

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